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Powering the Future workshops in South Tyneside schools

Phoebe Martin

Our mission to encourage young people to invent with the concept of renewable energy in mind, more specifically wind, did not end when the Powering the Future: South Tyneside and Beyond! invention challenge drew to a close.

Children still and always will have the power in their hands and we are all about the business of enhancing that power.

So much so that we have been holding workshops in schools throughout South Tyneside to inspire the pupils to pick up their pens and pencils once again, all in the name of invention.

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Artist Lottie Smith has been hosting the workshops, giving children the information they need to invent something that creates renewable energy by harnessing power from movement.

The pupils have been diving deep into where inventing can take them. They’ve also been exploring the recent winning inventions of the Powering the Future challenge, which is being delivered in collaboration with South Tyneside Council and Dogger Bank Wind Farm.


If your school is interested in holding an engaging and hands-on workshop with us, get in contact at hello@littleinventors.org.