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Inventing in Northern Thailand Refugee Schools


Teachers from Nation to Nation visited the schools and presented an invention game to generate ideas.

The invention ideas you see above were created in schools in the Thai/Myanmar border region by children whose families have been displaced by conflict.

Teachers from Nation to Nation were joined by volunteer teachers who visited the schools and presented an invention game to generate ideas.

The children would redesign or improve an existing familiar object, like a desk, hat, or a water bottle, for a specific character, like a pet, parent or a teacher.

The creative sessions implored the students to think about how to meet a need in a new way and how familiar items can be continuously evolved.

At the start of each lesson, everyone spoke the following mantra to build their confidence as inventors:

"I am creative, I am curious, I use my imagination, I am resilient, I solve problems, I believe anything is possible, we work together, there are no wrong ideas."

Thank you for sharing the contents of the visits with us, we love to see ideas created by children across the world.

Creativity is found everywhere and in everybody!