Invent something inspired by a day dream generator
Take the Maker Challenge set by designer-maker Emma Carlow! Emma challenges you to make your own day dream generator and then invent something inspired by your wildest dreams! Where will your day dream generator take you?
Emma is a designer-maker from East Sussex, UK. Emma loves to make all the time! She uses materials like cardboard and clay to make puppets, paper fans and all kinds of colourful magical creations.
Activity 1
Full screenThinking cap on!
Start by getting creative and coming up with elements for your day dream generator. These are going to make up the basis of your dream. Make them as random as possible, a day dream generator has no limits!
Activity 2
Full screenInvestigate!
It's time to start designing how your mobile will look. Think about what kind of shapes could represent each element and start sketching your day dream generator.
Activity 3
Full screenMaking it for real
Read these top tips from Emma about what you will need to make your mobile at home, and then follow the step by step instructions included in this activity to help you make your magical mobile.
Activity 4
Full screenDream big
Now you've made your day dream generator it's time to let your imagination go wild. Your mobile will help you to come up with a bonkers and random story that you can jot down on this activity sheet.
Invention sheet
Full screenInventing time!
Draw an invention inspired by your day dream generator on this sheet and don't forget to upload it to the Little Inventors website for a chance to see your invention idea made real!
How to enter!
You can submit more than one invention idea.
Submit invention ideas through our upload page.
- Draw your inventionon the Emma Carlow Maker Challenge - Activity 3
- Scan or photograph the *whole* sheetas straight on as possible
- Upload it in JPEG, PNG or GIF format (choose a file)
Each invention idea will comprise of an image of a clear drawing, the name, age and location of the inventor, the name of the invention and a description, and a contact email address.
Examples of scanned images