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Haesoo Cho


Skills:making a model with cardboards, coloring, drawing and illustration

I am a student at Ravensbourne University in London.

Recent blog entries

Presentation for exhibition
Posted about Bar Sensor by Eniola

This is a slide show that briefs my project that I presented on the exhibition.

Posted about Bar Sensor by Eniola

We gathered all our work we've done for this project and opened an exhibition on 4th to 6th March inside the university building so everyone can come and see our work. I have presented my model and A2 board to other students and Little Inventors tutors. Tutors gave me some feedback that my storyboard looks nice but my model looks like it's not developed enough. I also think that it would have been better if I could have added more mechanism and colour to the model. Also, it  was interesting to see other student's work who are not in the same course as me. There were various different kinds of work other than just models, such as animations, booklets, 2d drawings, and etc. Looking around other course student's work was a big benefit going through this elective as I got to know how they work and share different ideas.

A2 board
Posted about Bar Sensor by Eniola

A2 board which is going to be pinned up in the exhibition