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Henry Lo

Edinburgh, Scotland, UK



Job role:Designer

Skills:good at crafting and making designs, but not very good at sketching though

A year 3 student who does Product Design in Edinburgh Napier University.

Recent blog entries

first model
Posted about Phone Call Machine. by Amelie

I have made it into a mini version to see if it works. 

Well, I put 3 pieces of soft foams around the crown's inner side to protect the wearer's head. 
Then, used a red cloth to wrap up the base of the crown, so that the cardboard inside the crown will not be seen. This improved the looking.

What to improve:
1.  Add more decorations (plastic jewels, the silver and gold  thing which sits on top of the crown)
2. Make it bigger
3. Make the foam padding thinner without reducing the softness 
4. Add the BlueTooth earphone to make it work
5. Try to use other materials to replace cardboard as the support inside the crown base

getting started
Posted about Phone Call Machine. by Amelie

I have made a short animation and a description board. They show how it's gonna be made and how it will function. I use a Bluetooth earphone to replace a long microphone and speaker, so people will not notice the earphone inside the crown.

Ideas brought to life