Mini Challenges!
New inventive challenges posted each week
Clever clothes
Design a piece of clothing with an extra special ability
Garment gadgets
A long time a go, someone couldn't carry everything they had in their hands. So they decided to stitch a little piece of extra fabric to their coat. This was the invention of the very useful 'pocket' that we all have today. Inventive ideas are needed to solve problems. What ideas do you have to make the things we wear more useful or fun? Upload your ideas to share with the world!
Check out some other challenges
Work it out
Invent a way to get a great workout
Secret door
Imagine a secret door in your home that leads to a magical place. Draw the door and the place
Invent a way to turn your luck around
Thank you text
Make or draw something to say thank you to a key worker
Keep your distance
Draw an invention to keep people two metres apart