Mini Challenges!
New inventive challenges posted each week
Magic sweets
Draw magic sweets and draw or write what happens if you eat them
You're sweet!
Your sweets (candy) could be any shape you can imagine! Maybe they make you tiny or make you smell like a donkey or grow hands as big as a car, it's up to you. You could even write a story about your special sweets. Read it to someone sweet. Don't forget to upload your drawings here!
Check out some other challenges
Shop safely
Design the most amazing shopping trolley that can help us shop safely in supermarkets
Flight of the bumblebee
Design flying machines inspired by birds and insects
Keep your distance
Draw an invention to keep people two metres apart
Score goals
Draw an invention that would help someone to score more goals
Song bird
Invent a safe place for the regent honeyeater birds to meet and learn to sing together